Site Preparation:
It is a question of freeing up the space which is located in future construction zones: displacement of buried networks (water, electricity, gas, etc.), demolition of buildings or even archaeological diagnostics.Release:01 Release Date:30/11/2022

Civil engineering works consist of building stations, service structures, viaducts and operations centres. The tunnel boring machines, a 100 meter long machine, dig the tunnels that the metros will use in the underground part of the network.Release:01 Release Date:01/12/2022

Layout and equipment:
The lines are fully fitted out and equipped. Electrical network, signaling, escalators or laying the railway, the various trades are busy installing the equipment necessary for the smooth operation of the metro and the reception of passengers.Release:02 Release Date:02/12/2022

Trials and blank runs:
Tests are carried out to check the adequacy between the infrastructures and the metro. Simulations without passengers, called blank runs, are then carried out to check the proper functioning of the equipment in real conditions.Release:03 Release Date:03/12/2022

Once the tests are completed, the metro lines are gradually put into service and the stations welcome passengers.Release:01 Release Date:04/12/2022